What Inspired The Reset?

The Reset Divorce Mediation

“After a few years of high conflict and stress, my parents’ marriage imploded. As a teenage boy, I watched as my mom’s mental health take a nosedive and overnight my dad was no longer in my life. I floundered. Ten years later, I was getting married and setting up a life eerily similar to my parents’ lives. Ten years after that, I slid down the same slippery slope I watched my parents go down. Now I was divorced and trying to claw my way back to being available for my own floundering kids.

“How can this cycle be broken?“ I asked myself.”

“You can’t change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

- C. S. Lewis

Sounds great, but how? By resetting. Real life-changing shifts require us to stop moving. In those moments of stillness, power of decision is regained.

The “Reset” name is about that single quiet point within us, that single moment of decision that we all intuitively circle back to. Getting to that place within ourselves is a message Nicholas knew he could deliver to divorcing couples. “I had been there and gone from barely surviving to thriving. I had learned how to reset.”

Mediating a divorce is a foundational piece of resetting. Let’s change the course of our modern world and its generational pattern of divorce.

“Starting where we are and changing the ending, “ as Lewis suggests, is possible, but it means breaking away from old patterns to do something different and uncomfortable.

The best way to think “outside the box“ is to get ideas from outside the box you are in.

Simply put, we need help.

Divorce is not an absolute end to everything once held dear. But rather, it is an enormous challenge, that if faced with integrity, strength and vision for the future, will be a new beginning. It will take time, but you will likely look back and realize that by resetting, with the help skilled professionals, you made it through, and are a bigger, better, and more powerful person as a result.